Youth Maritime
Guiding youth toward adventurous careers in the maritime industry through paid internships, experiential learning events, and thoughtful career exploration with a specific focus on equity and inclusivity.

Where Opportunity Sets Afloat
Youth Maritime Collaborative is committed to guiding today’s youth toward maritime-related careers. Through experiential events and high school internships, the Collaborative works to connect companies with the next generation of skilled workers.

What is the Maritime Industry?
Maritime is most everything connected to the sea or waterways throughout the world, especially in relation to navigation, shipping, and marine engineering. The industry has a direct impact on much of our everyday lives.

Past Events
View our past events photo galleries.

Student Programs
Find out more about our programs and student internships.

Maritime Sectors
Learn more about the various aspects of maritime.
Student Programs
Interested in an internship through Youth Maritime Collaborative or one of our partners? Do you want to host an intern through your company? Click the button below for more information.
Youth Maritime Collaborative
Where Opportunity Sets Afloat
Guiding youth toward adventurous careers in the maritime industry through paid internships, experiential learning events, and thoughtful career exploration with a specific focus on equity and inclusivity.