Maritime Logistics & Shipping
What is it?
“Maritime Logistics and Shipping includes Port and harbor operations, deep and shallow water goods movement, inland water freight transport, and refrigerated warehousing and storage. This sector includes many support firms and services, such as Maritime construction firms who contract with the Ports, and longshoremen.”
What jobs make up the sector?

Shore Side Jobs in Logistics
US Customs Agents
Freight Forwarder
Customs Brokers
Import & Export Managers
Operations Managers
Industrial Engineer
Logistics Analyst
Logistics Engineer
Maritime Statistician
Administrative support staff
Various Government Agencies, for example:
Food & Drug Administration (FDA)
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Department of Agriculture (USDA)
US Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS)
US Department of Transportation (DOT)
Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Shore Side Jobs in Ports
Crane & Tower Operators
Crane Mechanic
Diesel Service Technician & Mechanic
Electrical Engineer
Port Engineer
Forklift Operators
Cargo & Freight Agents
Risk Assessment
Network Technicians
Warehouse workers
Railroad workers
Freight, Stock, and Material Mover
Port Maintenance Technician
Shipping, Receiving, and Traffic Clerk
Storage and Distribution Manager
How Ports Operate:
Careers on the Pier:
Youth Maritime Collaborative
Where Opportunity Sets Afloat
Guiding youth toward adventurous careers in the maritime industry through paid internships, experiential learning events, and thoughtful career exploration with a specific focus on equity and inclusivity.