The Expanded Maritime Collaborative
Time & Dates: 4pm – 6:30pm, Every Wednesday from September 21 – October 26
Location: 1010 Valley St, Seattle, WA 98109
EMC Program Highlights
2023 Fall/Winter Program Offerings
Center for Wooden Boats: Boat Maintenance & Repair
Time & Dates: TBD
Location: 1010 Valley St, Seattle, WA 98109
In this course, students will have the chance to get hands-on experience in building, maintaining and using historic small boats. During this 6-week afterschool program in Fall/Winter, students will work alongside the Center for Wooden Boats boatwright to learn how to restore, maintain and fix wooden fleets of boats. Students will learn tool safety and proper tool use for hand and power tools. Students will receive a $500.00 stipend upon successful completion of the program.

2024 Spring Program Offerings
Center for Wooden Boats: Small Boat Sailing
Time & Dates: TBD
Location: 1010 Valley St, Seattle, WA 98109
This program is designed to develop skills in leadership, observation, and decision-making while exploring maritime heritage and skills in a dynamic hands-on environment. Students will learn the basics of small boat sailing. Each student will take the helm of a 20’ wooden sailboat, learning how to rig, sail and navigate the waters of South Lake Union. By the end of this course, students will feel confident in renting their own sailboat with no instructor onboard. Students will receive a $500.00 stipend upon successful completion of the program.

Sound Experience: Spring Break aboard the schooner Adventuress!
Time & Dates: TBD
Location: Shilshole Bay Marina – 7001 Seaview Ave NW, Seattle, WA 98117
In this 5-day program, students will work alongside a professional crew & have the opportunity to become a ship’s apprentice. Students will learn the essentials of being a deckhand and learn safety protocols, emergency response, and the inner and outer workings aboard the great schooner Adventuress! Experienced crew members provide an interactive and hands-on learning experience for newcomers. In addition to the exposure to both traditional and contemporary maritime skills, the students will gain an appreciation for the teamwork and responsibility required for the safe and efficient operation of any vessel. Students will receive a $500.00 stipend and a 40 hours of sea time certificate upon successful completion of the program.

SeaPotential: Aquabilities & Marine Science Program
Dates: Wednesday April 24th through May 29th
Times: 3:30pm -7:00pm
Location: Varies each week.
Through relationship building & career exploration opportunities, Sea Potential cultivates a full cycle of BIPOC representation in maritime. Sea potential focuses on healing activities, ocean justice conversations and promoting youth appreciation and connection to marine ecosystems. This course will keep students on their toes as they find new & exciting destinations to explore each week! Students will receive a $500.00 stipend upon successful completion of the program. (Lunch included).
Week 1: Relationship Building -Students will interact in ice-breaking activities that will foster a strong safe community throughout programming. Gaining a deeper sense of one another exploring our relationships to water, and preparing for what to expect from field trips.
Weeks 2-5: Career Exposure- 1 field trip per week and 1 reflection day (field trip lengths may vary)
Week 6: Project – Students meet twice during the week to work on a project that supports work being done in a marine science career (Ex: Building hydrophones with Orcasound, water quality sampling with DRCC or Puget Sound Keeper, participate in the floating wetland project, etc.)

Interested in participating?
Email: info@maritimeblue.org
Youth Maritime Collaborative
Where Opportunity Sets Afloat
Guiding youth toward adventurous careers in the maritime industry through paid internships, experiential learning events, and thoughtful career exploration with a specific focus on equity and inclusivity.